
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Old Work in New Ways

Years ago, around 1998-1999, I used to make fonts. I snagged a copy of Fontographer from somewhere and I set about producing a rag tag bunch of mostly hand drawn fonts. I distributed them for free and they floated around the net for a while until I lost my website a few years ago (long story). I don't even have copies of most of them anymore, I made them on a PC which died and now I have a Mac and there's the aforementioned lost website. So today I recieved a lovely package in the mail today from a designer that works for the French kid's magazine Pirouette.

pirouette magasin!

Turns out they used one of my fonts in their current issue and sent me a couple of issues so I could see it for myself. How cute is that? Here's a close-up:

my font in pirouette magazine

I'm really quite proud!


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